

Reducing waste by reusing it as a resource

We are committed to recycling as a way to reduce waste and achieve a circular economy. While mechanical recycling is well-known and widely used, we are also adopting processes that make plastics almost infinitely recyclable, and finding ways to improve the whole recycling loop, including mono-material containers for easier sorting, and carbon-free pigments to enhance the sorting and recycling process.


Chemically Recycled PET

Some of the steps in chemically recycling PET are similar to mechanical recycling, but the process goes one step further. After the used PET bottles are sorted, crushed, and washed to eliminate foreign substances, they undergo chemical depolymerization to break down the material into resin or intermediate materials, which are then re-polymerized to produce PET of a quality equivalent to virgin resin. During these depolymerization and re-polymerization processes foreign substances and materials are completely removed, enabling the PET material to be recycled repeatedly without a significant loss in quality. Despite a minor decrease in weight each time, chemical recycling offers the benefit of multiple uses.


Mono-material Containers

By developing packaging solutions composed of a single material, we canmake them easier to sort and recycle. Using mono-material containers makes therecycling process quicker and easier, and less energy is needed to separate theconstituent materials. The result is increased efficiency, and reduced time andcost for recycling.


Carbon-free Black

We use carbon-free colourants for our packaging, making it possible to detect the kind of plastic used during the recycling process. UV light is used to sort material for recycling. Carbon used in some coloured plastics (typically black plastics) makes it difficult for sorting machines to detect, and difficult to recycle. Carbon-free pigments enable the full-detectability of these plastics on recycling sorting machines at existing facilities. By using carbon-free colourants, you have access to a wide range of colour choices, without losing recyclability.

Sustainable product development