Terms of Sevice

These terms of service for Takemoto Store (the “Terms”) stipulates the terms and conditions applicable when a Customer (as defined in Article 1) uses this website named “Takemoto Store” (the “Online Store”) maintained by Takemoto Netherlands BV (the “Company”) and purchases a Product (as defined in Article 1) from the Company through the Online Store.   

A Customer who may register with the Online Store and purchase a Product through the Online Store shall be a business operator (such as corporations and sole proprietorships) and shall not be an individual consumer. 

Article 1 (Definitions)

The following terms used in these Terms are defined as follows:

  • The “Company” means Takemoto Netherlands BV, Achtseweg Zuid 151 B, 5651GW Eindhoven, registered with the Business Register under 64136035.
  • The “Agreement” means a sale and purchase agreement which are deemed concluded between the Company and a Customer pursuant to Article 5. Even if any separate trade agreement was concluded between the Customer and the Company regarding a product supplied by the Company, these Terms shall prevail regarding the Product.
  • A “Customer” means any business operator, including company and sole proprietorship, who has registered as a customer of this Online Store for the purpose of use of this Online Store.
  • “Force Majeure” means an unexpected event which is out of control of the Company, such as an earthquake, lightning strike, fire, or natural disaster to earthquake, storm, typhoon, and other Acts of God, war, civil war, riot, terror, blockage, insurrection, mobilization, epidemics, embargoes, prohibition of exportation, refusal to issue export license, order or disposition by the authorities, strike, accident in the transportation system.
  • The “Online Store” means this website named “Takemoto Store”.
  • The “Precautions” mean “Precautions for Handling of Product” attached as APPENDIX 1 to these Terms and other individual precautions for an individual Product, if any, displayed on the product page on the Online Store before purchasing the Product.
  • The “Product” means the product which is made available for purchase by a Customer through this Online Store and purchased or to be purchased by the Customer pursuant to the Agreement. “Takemoto Product” means a Product which is manufactured by the Company and “Non-Takemoto Product” means a Product which is not manufactured by the Company but purchased by the Company from a third party and sold by the Company.
  • The “Product Quality Standards for Takemoto Product” mean quality standards attached as APPENDIX 2 to these Terms which the Company applies when it manufactures Takemoto Products.
  • The “Terms” mean these terms of service for this Online Store.
  • The “Territory” means the counties within EU and EEA as well as Switzerland and United Kingdom.

Article 2 (General Rules on Application of these Terms)

  1. Each time of registering as a Customer and placing an order for a Product through the Online Store, the Customer is deemed to have accepted the most updated version of these Terms, which the Company shall have the right to update from time to time without providing a prior notice to a Customer.
  2. The Precautions constitute an integral part of the Terms.

Article 3 (Procedure for Registration, Log-in)

  1. A business operator (such as a corporation and sole proprietor but not an individual consumer) who wishes to place an order to purchase a Product through this Online Store must, after reading and accepting the Terms, register an email address which can receive a One Time Passcode and login. Once the business operator logs in, the registration procedure is automatically completed and such business operator is officially treated as a Customer under these Terms.
  2. After his registration procedure is completed, the Customer needs to update name and address. The Customer needs to login on the Online Store when the Customer wishes to place an order to purchase a Product though the Online Store.  

Article 4 (Registered Information and One Time Passcode)

It is the Customer’s responsibility to keep the information registered through the Online Store (including information registered under Articles 3 and 5) correct and updated and keep One Time Passcode provided under Article 3 confidential. The Company is not liable for any loss or damage caused by the Customer’s failure to exercise its responsibility stipulated under this Article. 

Article 5 (Purchase Procedure and Conclusion of Agreement)

  1. When a Customer wishes to purchase a Product through the Online Store, the Customer shall select the type and quantity of Product and agree to these Terms.
  2. When the Customer places an order to purchase a Product through the Online Store, the Customer needs to enter their VAT number and the shipping address as account information. As the Company can deliver a purchased Product only within the Territory, a shipping address shall be within the Territory.
  3. After the Customer enters necessary information for Payment, the Company shall run its procedure for verification of the Customer and if such verification procedure is successfully completed, the Agreement between the Company and the Customer is concluded.
  4. The Company may decide not to approve the verification if it determines that any of the following apply to the Customer; provided, however, that the Company does not bear any obligation to explain the reason for such decision:
    - When the Company could not confirm the existence of the Customer and the accuracy of registered information.;
    - When the application is from a person who has breached any of the Terms or the Agreement in the past or is in some way related to such a breaching person;
    - When the Product is ordered for illegal or immoral purposes or the Customer has a has a doubtful reputation; 
    - When the Company for other reasons at its sole discretion judges that the registration or verification is not acceptable.
  5. Once the Agreement has been concluded, the Customer cannot cancel the order.

Article 6 (Payment)

The Customer shall make the payment of the Total Amount by using a credit card, debit card, iDeal or BANCONTACT. The Customer is solely responsible for confirming the billing deadline with their credit card issuer or financial institution.

Article 7 (Delivery)

  1. The Company shall deliver, by way of ordering to a third party logistics provider, the purchased Product(s) to the shipping address designated by the Customer after the Company has confirmed the payment of the Total Amount is fully made by the Customer.
  2. If any purchased Product is returned to the Company due to any event attributable to the Customer, such as registration of inaccurate shipping address, rejection to receive the delivery, long absences or other circumstances, the Company is entitled to charge the Customer an additional fee for redelivery, including storage costs until redelivery has been completed.

Article 8 (Transfer of Title and Risk)

  1. Title to the product shall be transferred from the Company to the Customer upon the completion of delivery of the Product(s) and full payment of the Total Amount due for the purchased Product(s).
  2. Any loss or damage of the purchased Product(s) caused by a reason not attributable to neither the Company nor the Customer, the Company shall bear the risk before delivery and the Customer shall bear it after delivery. 

Article 9 (Quality Standards and No Warranty)

  1. The Company represents that a Takemoto Product meets “Product Quality Standards for Takemoto Product” (APPENDIX 2). 
  2. Notwithstanding the preceding Paragraph, the Company does not make any representation regarding quality of a Non-Takemoto Product and the Company sells a Non-Takemoto Product on an as is basis.
  3. No warranty, express or implied, shall be applicable to the Product. Particularly, the Company specifically excludes the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

Article 10 (Inspection)

  1. Upon receipt of the Product, the Customer shall immediately conduct an inspection (the “Inspection”) to confirm if the delivered Product conforms with the type, specification and quantity of the Product as identified in the Agreement.
  2. If the Customer discovers any non-conformity of the Product with the Agreement with regards to the type, specification and quantity, the Customer shall immediately notify the Company. The Product shall be deemed to have passed the inspection if no notification is provided within seven days from the delivery of the purchased Product.
  3. For the avoidance of doubt, as the appearance of the Product in an image on the Online Store may vary depending on the shooting settings, variations in the appearance of the Product do not constitute a non-conformity.

Article 11 (Non-Conformity)

  1. For any non-conformity which is in nature able to be discovered through the inspection upon receipt of the purchased Product, the Customer may request the Company to refund the price of such non-conforming Product, only if the Customer follows the procedure under Article 10 above and unless such non-conformity is attributable to the Customer. All claims regarding non-conformity which in nature is able to be discovered through the inspection upon receipt of the purchased Product will be barred from seven days from the delivery of the purchased Product.
  2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, for any non-conformity which is in nature not able to be discovered through the inspection upon receipt of the purchased Product, the Customer may request the Company to refund the price of such non-conforming Product, only if the Customer discovers such non-conformity and notify the Company within six months from the Delivery.
  3. In case of the preceding Paragraphs, the Company may, at its sole discretion, request the Customer either to return the non-conforming Product at the Company’s cost or to dispose the non-conforming Product at the Customer’s cost.

Article 12 (Disclaimer regarding the Product)

  1. All Products are subject to the “Precautions for Handling of the Product” attached hereto as APPENDIX 1 and other individual precautions for an individual Product, if any, displayed on the product page on the Online Store before purchasing the Product (the “Precautions”). When the Customer purchases a Product, the Customer shall be deemed to have reviewed and agreed with the Precautions before such purchase. The Company disclaims all liability for any result caused by the Customer’s handling of a Product in a manner not in line with the Precautions.
  2. Except as provided in Article 11, the Company is not liable for any non-conformity and assumes no other liability in relation to the Product.
  3. In no event the Company’s liability to compensate the Customer for damages caused in connection with the Product shall exceed the Total Amount which the Company has received from the Customer with regard to the sale and purchase of the relevant Product.

Article 13 (Intellectual property rights)

The patents, copyrights, design rights or other intellectual property rights in relation to the Products and images of the Products and other content in the Online Store (the “Content”) belong to the Company and/or other legitimate right holders, such as content providers, and the Customer may not copy, reprint, modify, or otherwise use such intellectual property rights and Content without permission. 

Article 14 (Prohibited Acts)

  1. The following actions are prohibited when the Customer uses the Online Store;

    - An act that violates the Terms.
    - An act that contravenes the law or public policy.
    - A criminal act or an act that leads to, support or may result in a criminal act.
    - An act that violates the copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights in the Products or the Content used in the Online Store.
    - An Act that causes or may cause harm or damage to the Company or a third party.
    - An act that destroys or interferes with the functions of the Company’s server or network.
    - Use of information obtained from the Online Store for commercial purposes without the Company’s prior consent.
    - An act that may impede or interfere with the Company's operations.
    - An act of making unjustified, unfair, or unreasonable requests to the Company.
    - Unauthorized access or attempts thereof.
    - An act related to criminal proceeds, financing of terrorism, or suspected of being such.
    - Acquiring or collecting the personal data of other Customer.
    - Impersonating another Customer.
    - Account registration based on false registration information.
    - Unauthorized use of credit card.
    - Any other actions deemed unacceptable by the Company.

  2. The Company has a sole discretion on determination of whether an act falls under any of the prohibited acts listed in the preceding paragraph and the Company shall not be held liable for the criteria and their application.

Article 15 (Maintenance of Telecommunications Environment)

  1. The Customer is responsible for installing and maintaining the equipment and environment necessary to use the Online Store, as described by the Company.
  2. When using the Online Store, the Customer shall connect the equipment to the Internet via a telecommunications services at their own expense and under their own responsibility.
  1. The Company shall not be liable for any problem the Customer may experience while using the Online Store caused by telecommunications and internet malfunctions.

Article 16 (Suspension of the Online Store)

  1. The Company reserves the right to make changes or additions to all or a part of services provided through or the contents of the Online Store without providing a prior notice to the Customer. In addition, the Company does not guarantee that all functions and performance of the Online Store prior to the change or addition will be maintained following the change or addition.
  2. The Company may suspend the provision of services of all or a part of the Online Store without providing a prior notice to the Customer in any of the following situations:
  • When performing maintenance, inspection or updating of the computer system related to the Online Store.
  • When it becomes difficult to provide the services through Online Store due to Force Majeure.
  • When an accident prevents the computer or telecommunications cables from functioning.
  • Any other situations in which the Company deems it difficult to provide the services of Online Store.
  1. The Company is not liable for any disadvantage or damage caused to the Customer or a third party as a result of the discontinuation of provision of services of Online Store, regardless of the cause.

Article 17 (Termination of Agreement, Limit of Use or Deregistration)

  1. If any of the following situations apply to a Customer, the Company may, without providing a prior notice to the Customer, terminate the Agreement, limit the Customer's access to the Online Store and/or de-register the Customer. The Company shall not be liable for any damage or loss incurred by the Customer as a result of the Company’s taking any of such measures.
  • Circumstances falling under any of the items listed in Article 14, Paragraph 1.
  • When the delivery of the Product is not completed due to invalid or inaccurate shipping address or long absence (of communication) of the Customer.
  • If the Customer is not a business operator or orders a Product not for its business but as a consumer.
  • If the Customer lacks the legal authority and capacity to enter into or carry out the Agreement, such as being a minor or a person with limited legal capacity.
  • In the case of delivery outside of the Territory.
  • When the credit card provided by the Customer as a payment method is suspended or full payment is not received when due and payable.
  • If the Customer files for bankruptcy, liquidation, debt restructuring, or corporate reorganisation, or receives a petition for any of the aforementioned, or if the Customer has initiated a voluntary liquidation.
  • If the Customer becomes unable, or admits to its creditors its inability, to pay its debts generally as such debts become due and any note or check issued or accepted by the Customer is dishonoured.
  • When a third party applies for provisional seizure, seizure, compulsory execution, auction or any similar procedure on the Customer’s assets.
  • If the Customer does not respond to the Company’s communication within a reasonable period of time.
  • When the Customer has not accessed the Online Store for a certain period of time since their last visit.
  • When there are repeated requests for returns and cancellations.
  • In addition, when the Company determines that the Customer’s use of the Online Store is not appropriate or could harm the Company’s reputation.
  1. Regarding the Product, if any of the following applies, the Company may, by giving a notice to the Customer, terminate the Agreement. In this case, a measure to be taken by the Company such as refund shall be decided through consultation between the Company and the Customer.
  • When the purchased Product is out of stock and the restocking schedule is uncertain.
  • When any non-conformity is discovered in the Product prior to the delivery and there is no replacement available, and the restocking schedule is uncertain.
  • When the Product cannot be supplied due to discontinuation of production or other similar reason.

Article 18 (Deregistration by the Customer)

The Customer may deregister from the Online Store by following the procedure prescribed by the Company.

Article 19 (Disclaimer of warranties)

  1. The Company does not guarantee that the Online Store is free from any actual or legal defects (including safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, effectiveness, fitness for a particular purpose, security related defects, errors, bugs, right infringement).
  1. The Company does not guarantee that the Online Store's service will not be stopped, cancelled or hindered.
  2. The Company is not liable for any breach of the Terms, in whole or in part, caused by Force Majeure.
  3. The Company will only compensate the Customer for damages caused by the use of this Online Store if the harm was caused by the Company intentionally or through gross negligence; provided, however, that any such damages to be compensated shall only be limited to the direct damage that would normally be caused.
  4. The Company is not liable for any transactions, correspondence, or disputes between the Customer and other Customer or a third party arising out of the Customer's use of the Online Store.
  1. Except in the event of intentional fault or gross negligence, the Company’s liability is in always limited to the Total Amount, or if higher to what it can recover under insurance. In no event the Company shall be liable for any indirect or consequential damages, such as but not limited to loss of profit or opportunity or business interruption.

Article 20 (Handling of Personal Data)

The Company shall manage personal data obtained through the operation of the Online Store in accordance with applicable General Data Protection Regulation and the Online Store’s "Privacy Policy."

Article 22 (Non-disclosure)

  1. Neither the Customer nor the Company shall reveal or leak to a third party any confidential information regarding the Product or usage of the Online Store that has been disclosed by the other party. For the purpose of the Terms, confidential information includes any technical, sales, or management information of the other party that is disclosed as a result of the use of the service through the Online Store, regardless of whether it is in document, digital data, or other form or whether the confidentiality is explicitly stated.
  2. The information in each of the following items shall not be classified as confidential information.
  • Information already held at the time of disclosure.
  • Information that was already publicly known at the time of disclosure or information that became publicly known for reasons not attributable to the receiving party.
  • Information legally obtained from a third party after disclosure.
  • Information independently developed or created without reference to disclosed confidential information.
  1. The receiving party shall use the confidential information solely for the purpose of using the Online Store and the delivery and use of purchased Product, and shall not provide, disclose, or leak the confidential information of the other party to a third party without the other party's prior written consent.
  2. In the event the receiving party is required by applicable law, regulation, court orders, or the rules of a stock exchange to disclose any confidential information, the receiving party may disclose such confidential information, provided that the receiving party shall: (i) promptly notify the disclosing party before disclosure of the existence, terms and circumstances surrounding such requirement; and (ii) furnish only that portion of the confidential information which the receiving party is required to disclose.

Article 23 (Notifications or communication)

The Customer and the Company shall use the method specified by the Company for notifying or communicating between the Customer and the Company. Unless the Customer submits a change notification in accordance with the method specified by the Company, the Company assumes that the currently registered contact information is valid and will send notifications or communications based on such information, and the notice or communication is deemed to have been delivered to the Customer.

Article 24 (Assignment)

The Customer may not assign or pledge their status under the Agreement or these Terms or the rights or obligations under the Agreement of the Terms to any third party without the prior written consent of the Company.

Article 25 (Severability)

  1. If any provision of the Terms or any portion thereof is held to be invalid or unenforceable, that determination will not impact the remaining provisions, and the remainder of the Terms shall remain valid and enforceable. The Company and the Customer agree to make all reasonable efforts to achieve the same effect consistent with the intent of such invalid or unenforceable section or part, and to be bound by the revised Terms.
  2. Even if any provision of these Terms or a portion thereof is deemed invalid or unenforceable with respect to a particular Customer, it shall not impact the validity of the remaining provisions with respect to other Customers.

Article 26 (Governing Law, Jurisdiction)

  1. The Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Netherlands.
  1. Any and all dispute concerning this Agreement shall be exclusively settled by the Court of Amsterdam, or at the sole discretion of the Company by the court of the Customer’s domicile.
  2. The Agreement shall not be governed by the provisions of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.



Takemoto Netherlands B.V.

Precautions for Handling of Product

Set out below are precautions for handling of Product. The Customer is deemed to agree with these precautions upon its purchase of a Product. For the purpose of these precautions, the defined terms shall have the same meanings as the Terms for Takemoto Store. 

  1. Precautions for Use

Please be aware of the following when using the Product:

  • Suitability of Contents

The Product may not be suitable for all types of contents filled by a Customer. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the Product is manufactured as general-purpose items and their quality is evaluated based on the assumption that the content is room temperature water. The Customer is required to ensure the suitability of contents at its own risk and responsibility. The Customer may confirm the compatibility with your intended use and contents by using a sample Product, which can be obtained by using the “Request a Sample” function on the product page of the Online Store. 

  • Accessories

During the process of fitting with accessories, excessive tightening, loosening, distortion, and cracking due to improper installation may occur. In addition, certain accessories such as sprays may not provide the desired functionality, such as airtightness, depending on how they are used. The Customer is required to conduct a confirmation with its filling and capping processes using a sample Product at its own cost and responsibility.  

  • Transportation and Storage Methods

Depending on the transportation and storage methods, deformation, discoloration, deterioration, and a decrease in the strength, resistance, and functionality of the Product may occur over time. Additionally, the strength, resistance, and functionality of the Product may decrease with frequency of use and number of uses. The Customer is required to conduct confirmation based on the actual usage environment. Specifically, it is advisable for the Customer to avoid storing the Product in environments with high temperatures and humidity, outdoors (especially in places exposed to rain), or under heavy loads. 

Furthermore, strong impacts, such as dropping the Product, may cause detachment of accessories or damage such as cracking of a body of the Product body. Additionally, the Customer is required to be advised that the Product made of plastic tends to generate static electricity, which may result in the accumulation of dust or unpleasant odors.

  • Airtightness

Complete airtightness cannot be guaranteed in connection with plastic containers.

  1. Actions to Avoid

Please refrain from the following actions when using a Product:

  • Do not use accessories other than those specified by the Company.
  • Do not use contents that may be incompatible with plastic or contents that do not conform to other characteristics of the Product. In particular, please refrain from using the following as contents:
  • Insecticides and disinfectants. 
  • Flammable substances such as oil, solvents, paints, thinners, gasoline, alcohol, etc.
  • Acidic chemicals such as hydrochloric acid and liquid chlorine. 
  • Highly acidic or highly alkaline substances.
  • High temperature fluid, such as hot water.
  • Other hazardous, biological, poisonous or toxic substances.
  1. Quality of Takemoto Product 

In case of Takemoto Product, we ship Takemoto Product that meets our established "Product Quality Standards" (see APPENDIX 2). If a Product is manufactured by a manufacturer other than the Company while sold by the Company though the Online Store, the quality standards of our suppliers apply. 

  1. Other Precautions 
  • When using and commercializing the Product, please always comply with relevant laws and regulations.
  • If necessary, provide caution labels, etc. regarding the contents of these handling precautions and other necessary information. 
  • When disposing of the Product, please follow the relevant laws, ordinances, administrative guidance, and other sorting and disposal rules.
  • If the Product is sold or used outside of the EU, EAA, Switzerland or the United Kingdom, the Customers is requested to check whether they infringe on any intellectual property rights in the region(s) where they will be sold or used. The Company does not assume and responsibility or liability regarding infringement on any intellectual property rights outside the EU, EAA, Switzerland or the United Kingdom.
  • The standards or specifications of a Product are subject to change or the products may be discontinued, in either case without notice.



Takemoto Netherlands B.V.

Product Quality Standards for Takemoto Product

These Quality Standards shall be applicable if the Product is manufactured by the Company (“Takemoto Product”). For the purpose of these Quality Standards, the defined terms shall have the same meanings as the Terms of Service for Takemoto Store.

  1. Quality standards for Takemoto Product

The quality standards applicable for Takemoto Product are as follows:

  • Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)

Takemoto Product shall be treated as meeting the acceptable quality level (AQL) when a random sampling inspection is made for one lot of Takemoto Product and the percentage of defective Product found through the inspection is less than the AQL designated depending on the classification of defect.  The inspection method of a Takemoto Product shall conform to ANSI/ASQCZ1.4 (Level I - Single sampling plan for normal inspection).

  • "Critical Defect" ⇒ AQL 0.25%
  • "Major Defect" ⇒ AQL 1.5%
  • "Minor Defect" ⇒ AQL 4.0%

Number of samples and acceptance criteria for sampling inspection of Takemoto Product

Lot size.

inspection level

No. of samples

Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)

0.25% (Critical)

1.5% (Major)

4.0% (Minor)








































































500,001 and above










*Note: This quality standard is applied at the level of lot of Takemoto Products and not at the level of an individual Takemoto Product.  Therefore, even if it is determined as a good product according to our standards, there may be a small number of defective products that were not detected in our quality inspection.

  • Concepts of Defects

For the purpose of the Quality Standards:

  • "Critical Defect" means that due to a defect, Takemoto Product cannot function as a product or commodity. It poses a risk to human life, causes equipment damage, or has other significant impacts or causes extreme discomfort.
  • "Major Defect" means that a defect is not as severe as a critical defect, but it impairs the value of Takemoto Product, both in terms of quality and quantity.
  • "Minor Defect" means that there are defects in appearance, dimensions, or functionality, but they are minor in nature.


Defect Judgment Criteria

Defect class

AQL (%)





Liquid leakage

Liquid leakage, in the case a guarantee against liquid leakage is granted to Takemoto Product according to our standards. (Refer to Note below.)


Damage or cracks that significantly impair functionality.

Adherence of Specific Foreign Substances

Adherence of insects, hair and blood on Takemoto Product.

Incorporation of Specific Foreign Substances

If metallic or hazardous substances are incorporated into Takemoto Product.

Deformation/shape defects

If it affects the human body or is difficult to use.


If it adheres to the inside of Takemoto Product or damages other products.

Color variation

If the color is clearly different from the specified color.

Printing variation

Different from the specified content.


Cases where printing is significantly peeled off or peeled off when rubbed with a finger.


If it affects the human body.



Deformation/shape defects

Where the function is impaired or the aesthetics are seriously compromised.


Cases where it impairs functionality.


Cases where external stains significantly damage the appearance.

Incorporated substances

Incorporation of scattered foreign substances.

Appearance defects

Cases where it significantly damages the appearance.

Incorrect printing position

Cases where the printing is on the reverse side or in a different position from the specified area (for square bottles).

Poor print adhesion

Cases where ink adheres when rubbing Takemoto Products together.

Unclear print

Cases where a single character is illegible.



Deformation/shape defects

Cases where there is no functional problem, but deformation is visually recognized.


Cases where there is no functional problem, but it impairs the appearance.


Cases where there is a slight external adhesion.

Incorporated substance

Where aesthetics are compromised.

Appearance defects

Cases that are easily visually noticeable.

Color variation

Cases where it significantly differs from a sample of Takemoto Product or falls outside the range based on the reference sample.

Foreign substance contamination

Cases where easily visually recognizable fibers, paper fragments, etc., are adhered internally.

Incorrect printing position

Where aesthetics are compromised.


Cases where there is partial fine peeling during tape inspection. But please note that Takemoto Product is not guaranteed against peeling due to scratches.

Unclear print

Cases where it is readable but about half of a character is unclear.



*Note: There are Takemoto Products that are not guaranteed against leakage according to our standards (liquid content: water), such as products classified as "wide-mouth container".  For detailed information about the scope of application, please contact us.

  1. Quality standards for Product other than Takemoto Product

For a Product which the Company purchased from a third party and resale through the Online Store, the quality standards of such third party shall apply.