Precautions of Use

Set out below are precautions for handling of Product. The Customer is deemed to agree with these precautions upon its purchase of a Product. For the purpose of these precautions, the defined terms shall have the same meanings as the Terms for Takemoto Store.


  1. Precautions for Use


Please be aware of the following when using the Product:


  • Suitability of Contents

The Product may not be suitable for all types of contents filled by a Customer. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the Product is manufactured as general-purpose items and their quality is evaluated based on the assumption that the content is room temperature water. The Customer is required to ensure the suitability of contents at its own risk and responsibility. The Customer may confirm the compatibility with your intended use and contents by using a sample Product, which can be obtained by using the “Request a Sample” function on the product page of the Online Store.


  • Accessories

During the process of fitting with accessories, excessive tightening, loosening, distortion, and cracking due to improper installation may occur. In addition, certain accessories such as sprays may not provide the desired functionality, such as airtightness, depending on how they are used. The Customer is required to conduct a confirmation with its filling and capping processes using a sample Product at its own cost and responsibility.  


  • Transportation and Storage Methods

Depending on the transportation and storage methods, deformation, discoloration, deterioration, and a decrease in the strength, resistance, and functionality of the Product may occur over time. Additionally, the strength, resistance, and functionality of the Product may decrease with frequency of use and number of uses. The Customer is required to conduct confirmation based on the actual usage environment. Specifically, it is advisable for the Customer to avoid storing the Product in environments with high temperatures and humidity, outdoors (especially in places exposed to rain), or under heavy loads.


Furthermore, strong impacts, such as dropping the Product, may cause detachment of accessories or damage such as cracking of a body of the Product body. Additionally, the Customer is required to be advised that the Product made of plastic tends to generate static electricity, which may result in the accumulation of dust or unpleasant odors.


  • Airtightness

Complete airtightness cannot be guaranteed in connection with plastic containers.


  1. Actions to Avoid


Please refrain from the following actions when using a Product:


  • Do not use accessories other than those specified by the Company.


  • Do not use contents that may be incompatible with plastic or contents that do not conform to other characteristics of the Product. In particular, please refrain from using the following as contents:


  • Insecticides and disinfectants.


  • Flammable substances such as oil, solvents, paints, thinners, gasoline, alcohol, etc.


  • Acidic chemicals such as hydrochloric acid and liquid chlorine.


  • Highly acidic or highly alkaline substances.


  • High temperature fluid, such as hot water.


  • Other hazardous, biological, poisonous or toxic substances.


  1. Quality of Takemoto Product


In case of Takemoto Product, we ship Takemoto Product that meets our established "Product Quality Standards". If a Product is manufactured by a manufacturer other than the Company while sold by the Company though the Online Store, the quality standards of our suppliers apply.


  1. Other Precautions


  • When using and commercializing the Product, please always comply with relevant laws and regulations.


  • If necessary, provide caution labels, etc. regarding the contents of these handling precautions and other necessary information.


  • When disposing of the Product, please follow the relevant laws, ordinances, administrative guidance, and other sorting and disposal rules.


  • If the Product is sold or used outside of the EU, EAA, Switzerland or the United Kingdom, the Customers is requested to check whether they infringe on any intellectual property rights in the region(s) where they will be sold or used. The Company does not assume and responsibility or liability regarding infringement on any intellectual property rights outside the EU, EAA, Switzerland or the United Kingdom.


  • The standards or specifications of a Product are subject to change or the products may be discontinued, in either case without notice.